Industrial Robotics Project

This project was part of the "Industrial Robotics" course at Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Egypt. The main target of the project is to model a 6-DOF manipulator, then plan a trajectory for the modelled robot to a specific goal. Finally, control each joint using PID controller to achieve the generated trajectory on Gazebo.
You can check the code of the project on Github.

This project consisted of 3 milestones:
  • Model a 6-DOF manipulator by developing a URDF file for modelling the robot links, by using our own dimensions and test it on Rviz
  • Use Moveit toolbox to plan a trajectory to a given cartesian goal and visualize the motion of the robot on Rviz.
  • Take the joint angles produced by Moveit toolbox as a setpoint to control each joint in Gazebo simulator using PID controller and reach the desired goal.

This video narrated by me shows the whole project:

Implementation details can be discussed upon request.